Thursday, May 31, 2012

Some facts about long term memory

Long term memory

Capacity of long term memory is literary limitless and information stored there can be kept for a very long time (from a few seconds to a lifetime).  Information from short term memory is passed to long term one by means of repetition. Information in long term memory is kept in both conscious memory (when a unit of information appears on a conscious level) and in unconscious memory (when something is remembered, but a person is not aware of remembering the thing). Cortex is that part of the brain that is responsible for this type of memory.

It is believed that information in long term memory is kept not in separate units, by on the basis of connections. We link things that we want to remember with those images that are already in our memory creating a network of information units (associations). The bigger experience we have the easier it is for us to link new information with the one that we already have and to put it in order so that we could study and remember easier.

Foundation of long term memory

For decades scientists have been trying to find physiological proofs of memory existence. It is believed now that changes in neurons (that determine long term memory) happen in neuronal synapses.  Our experience changes networks of brain neurons. Formed or strengthened links among neurons is a response to increased activity of certain neurotic paths. It has been proven by scientific research that having destroyed certain paths of conditioned reflexes cerebellum of animals they fail to remember things that they can do under other severe circumstances. 

The same can be said about humans. When a person becomes ill with Alzheimer disease, encephalic tissue that educes important neuro-mediator, atrophies. This leads to severe memory losses. 

Scientists have found an impulsive molecules stage that allows for a short lived impulse to continue around ten minutes and by doing so it provides structure of the brains with stronger links (synapses) that enable us to remember things for months or even decades. This may have influence for curing such as the above mentioned diseases. 

Problems that are connected with this memory may be caused by sleeping problems, alcoholism, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, some physiological changes in the brains that sometimes happen due to aging, as well as serious traumas that we have experienced in the past. When one notices these things in time, one can stop the advance of memory loss in most cases.