Thursday, May 31, 2012

What is mnemonics

Mnemonics is the science of how to help your memory to remember things in better, easier and more efficient ways. I consider memory to be one of the greatest gifts from God that will help us to achieve great things if we only learn how to use it properly. People aspired to improve their mnemonic power from times immemorial and we have a large heritage left for us by ancient mnemonists. 

They proved that one does not have to be a genius to remember extraordinary amount of information. One simply needs proper devices and techniques as well as a little bit of patience to improve one’s remembering skills ten or even more times. History and human experience shows that it is possible to remember entire books without being a very talented person. Dominic O’Brien became a memory giant and champion, although he wasn’t a talented student at school. Mnemonics opened a new dimension for him to achieve incredible results with his brains. He started playing around with his memory at the age of thirty. We can achieve the same results too. 

One can start doing that by simply reading a few books on the topic. The above mentioned author wrote a number of books and you can read them. I would recommend reading his book:”How to develop a perfect memory” and start practicing the principles that Dominic describes in it at once. 

There are hundreds of techniques as well as strategies to remember things better. A lot of those are built on associations and effective use of your imagination and involvement of your five senses. Other sections of the blog contain descriptions of most popular methods that you can apply any time you want yourself. 

You may find that the old ways you have used at school or university no longer work. Do not be afraid of that. We have to go from progress to progress and leave behind what is not effective. This may mean you will have to quit using repetition technique in your studies as it does not work long term, but is only good in developing short term memory.