Thursday, May 31, 2012

35 top memory improvement tips and exercises

If you are worried about not being able to remember what things you came to buy to a shop or how many things are scheduled for you next week, do not worry. This is not fatal. If you follow these top memory improvement tips you will see you remembering skills skyrocketing. These points will be a summary of most I have been writing about in my short advice posts on the topic of memorization. So, here we go!

1. Taking interest and focus on the thing

This is probably the most important thing of all. Even if you never apply any mnemonic techniques this can improve the work of your mind immensely. Even the worst pupils at school remember the things they want to remember quite easily and forget those things they are not interested in. If you started taking interest in something, stay focused on it and you will double up the effect of you studies, work and etc. 

2. Make the information meaningful 

I was very bad at maths at school. Why? I did not understand. And because I did not understand it, it was the most boring subject for me. However, if at some point I was able to grasp one topic or another in the subject maths would become very interesting. So, when you take up a text that has to be learned try to understand it, because cramming won’t help you much. 

3. Revise the material

This, of course, works if you study for something. However, if you want to keep things in your long term memory you will need to brush up your knowledge from time to time. There have been a lot of studies done regarding intervals of memorization process. You need to do revisions while information you are studying is still fresh (if you are taking something new). If you do not, there are great chances that it will be forgotten after one hour or twenty four hours. 

4. Use repetition for short term memory development 

In my opinion, this should not be the method that you use as your main one. I was born and lived in Soviet era when I was a child. Cramming and repeating was probably the main strategy how we learned things in those times. However, how much do I remember now? Well, practically nothing! Yet, I must admit that if you need to remember a thing or two for a short term it is probably the best route you can take – by repeating (telephone number, address, names and etc.). 

5. Learn how to form mental picture

Mental picture is an association that you try to build and connect it to the object, concept, idea or a word that you want to remember. If one wants to learn the English word bush, one can imagine George Bush Jr. (or senior) standing by a bush and smiling (or doing some other stuff). 

6. Use visual exaggerations

This is continuation of previous point. As a lot of information passes through our brains every day, brains tend to delete unimportant one at once. However, if something has tremendous effect on our emotions we tend to remember this. The good thing about it we can use it deliberately to improve our memory. Take the example with bush and try to exaggerate as much as you can. 

7. Involve humor in your memorizing practices

Our brain is constructed in such a way that it tries to reject those experiences and reminiscences that cause us stress, anxiety and fear. So, if you start playing around with mnemonic techniques and do visual associations you’d better make them positive and as funnier as possible. You will see how easily you will remember things then. 

8. Use method of association or journey strategy to improve memorization of lists

I like using this technique while going to a shop and I have a pretty long list of items. In five minutes I can remember around 30 things without writing them down on the paper. In order to do that you need to single out 10 places (for beginning) around or inside your house. It can be bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and etc. You then go around your house (in your mind) and place the items you need to buy in the shop and involving yourself or some imaginary figures in the process. Read my memory tip for 25th of March to learn more on the subject. 

9. Do mental exercises regularly

The main reason why people start losing memory as they age is in the fact that they do not do mental exercises. Our brain as well as our bodies needs activities in order to stay active. For body it might be sport, for brains it will be crosswords, puzzles and similar things. 

10. Do physical exercises on a daily basis

Our brains are not disconnected from our bodies. However, they can be in harmony or out of it. We need to train both in order for them to function well. So, pick up your favorite type of sport and do it on a daily basis.  Normal blood circulation is very important for your brains, because blood carries oxygen to your brain and brings ‘food for your mind’. Do not spend too much time spending sitting bend over your pc. Do regular breaks, walk, and run, so that your blood could fully equip all your body with necessary energy. 

11. At the end of a day try to remember everything you did

This will help to increase your concentration, power of focus as well as memory. It might be a tiring practice at first, but you can make it fun if you involve some imagination and creativity there. Do not worry if you notice that some things have completely slipped out of your mind and you have entirely forgotten. You will get better with time. 

12. Expand your imagination

The world as it is today, because of imagination. It can be said both from positive and negative perspective. Anything that becomes physical reality, it firstly because reality in our imaginary minds. If you connect your memory and imagination you will have a tremendous duo that will work miracles for you. Any technique you practice should be inspired by a good doze of imaginative powers. 

13. Concentrate on details around the fact or thing you want to remember

No matter how brilliant or geniuses we are, we do forget sometimes. Well, for some of us it happens too often. Fortunately, we can learn to bring back the facts we forgot by taking a few simple steps. You might want to remember the place you were at. There are lots of details that can lead you to the fact that you forgot. Think about the clothes you wore, the things you did, the topics you talked about, sequence of things that you did there and then. Concentrate on details around the fact you try to bring up in your memory. 

14. Have enough sleep

If one wants to keep good memory, one also has to get enough sleep. You may have noticed how your concentration weakens when you have slept less than you need to. I remember, when I was at school, I would learn poems or other things that had to be learned by heart and I would most often did it in the evening, just before going to bed. This is the best way to learn some piece of information, because when you sleep your memory will process the information and it will be fresh for you to use in the morning. If you do not sleep enough, brains do not get enough time to process the data that you have collected throughout the day, to say nothing of the rest that your body needs. 

15. Develop healthy relationships

We need friends. People have to socialize and healthy relationships have a tremendously positive effect on your mind. They boost your self-worth and influence your memories in a positive way too. It will also reduce stress that damages your brains and give more space for positive feelings. Relationships have a lot more good consequences on your body and brains. But this is not the topic of the post. Hope to talk on that later. 

16. Laugh a lot

What a weird advice! It isn’t! This increases the power of your immune system, produces vitamin C and expands capacity of your memory. I hope you see now why comedies are so good for you. Some people even go to special laughter clubs. You don’t have to do it if you find natural ways of making fun. But if you don’t, give a try and find this kind of club around your place. Most testimonies about this kind of activities are positive. 

17. Cope with stress

I have already mentioned about damage that stress does to your brains. Stress is a memory killer and you’d better learn how to cope with it before it does too much harm to you. Learn to direct your thoughts on something peaceful. Thoughts cause emotions after their kind and this is the main method of self control. Shift your focus from problems to solutions and from fear to courage. I hope you have noticed how difficult it is to remember something in stressful situations. Why? Because, stress brings pressure and constraint and our brain refuses to function in such environment. Well, you may learn how to cope with that and handle any stressful situation and remember what you need at that particular time. 

18. Organize material you are learning

Mind hates chaos. It wants to see order everywhere. You would be shocked having found out how well structured your mind is and how all mechanisms of the brains work in unison to help you live in this world and not to get lost. Our heads are like big computers that we have to learn to use. Mnemonics is one of the sciences that help us to achieve it. Master it and you will become the master of the world!

19. Rehearse information you are learning

You cannot record information on your long term memory unless you rehearse the information from time to time. Long term memory works pretty slowly and it takes a lot of time for information to get there. However, when it finally gets there, it stays there forever. So, set aside some where during a week or a month (depending on your time schedule and needs) and rehearse the things you have been studying and learning recently. You will surely enjoy the results. 

20. Teach somebody the things you want to learn yourself

And all students said:”amen and amen”. I would do this during my school and university exams and I was surprised by the effect of the practice on my memorization capacity. It was given such a tremendous boost. Even if you know the thing, it will go over your mind again, but with much stronger force. I wrote in one of my posts how my literature teacher (at school) used to say that she learned the subject of accentuation while she explained it to us. 

21. Involve your senses and emotions in memorization

This point can contribute to the one about imagination development. Five senses can be awoken by means of imagination when one associates the things one wants to remember with other things, people, places and etc. When you are memorizing a lot of things try to create an imaginary environment where all of your senses would be involved. Try to see the colors of things, smell them, touch them and even taste them. Of course, it will all happen in your mind. 

22. Listen to classical music  

Another crazy tip? No, scientists have proven the use of classical music, especially Beethoven, on our memories.  I know it can be disturbing at the time of studying, but you can do that during short breaks that will help for information to sink in. I do not know why this kind of music helps, but it does. If you want to ask me about rock, well, it will create more problems, than benefits. Good reason to quit listening to heavy metal and rock, huh?

23. Drink coffee

Good news for coffee lovers! All coffee addicts crave for a cup of coffee in the morning, because it stimulates their brains. I have a friend in medicine industry and she tells me that most doctors and surgeons drink black coffee or diet Cola a few times a day. Why? Because it contains caffeine, which helps our brains to function better! You should be warned that artificial stimulation is not good and have negative long term results. However, a cup or two a day will definitely do you good and improve your memory functioning. 

24. Use chunking to remember numbers

This technique (chunking) is good not only for numbers, but also for other things. You might put things in categories (chunks) while going shopping in order not to forget what you want to buy. In case of numbers, if you have a long number (let’s say 16 digits) to remember, you’d remember it much easier if you divide it in four chunks rather than trying to cram the number as one unit. 

25. Categorize things you want to remember

This, as well as chunking, could be a good alternative for remembering long lists using journey technique. If you have a list of 20 products on your list you might be willing to put them into categories such as: fruits, vegetables, milk products, meat, confectionery and etc. As your brain loves order it will have much greater chances to remember the list in this way rather than trying to recall it if the list was organized randomly. 

26. Search for patterns in things you are learning

This is good when you want to remember numbers, memorize passwords, figure out how to get to certain places, recall names. I would not use it for memorizing lists though. As has already been said, brain does not like random. It works in synonyms, patterns, structures or any other thing that has a clearly cut order. Let us say you have to remember your password which is 5591. Do you see any pattern here? You should! It is 5+5=10 and 9+1=10. So, you have two tens here. Your brain grasps that you have two tens in the code and much easier recalls what the password is next time. 

27. Use mnemonic devices that you like most

It is obvious that not all mnemonic techniques and devices are good for you. We have our own tastes and styles and this is also reflected in the way we remember things. For some it may be a journey technique that they will adopt for most learning and remembering situations, others will use acronyms, yet others will simply invest an imaginary story or make a few funny associations to evoke reminiscences. Find what you like and what fits you most. 

28. Have a habit of taking notes (good for sensory memory development)

I know that some people become so advanced in their mnemonic skills that they can remember whole lectures without taking any notes. However, taking notes is good for improving your short term as well as sensory memory. When you forget something (a name, password, code) try to write it. If you have ever written it, you have much bigger chances remembering it by writing rather than trying to recall the thin in your mind. Why? Because, your sensory memory fixed the action of writing that particular thing and most probably you will remember it quite fast.

29. Be positive

Being negative stops you from going forward in developing your memorization skills. It is a road block for any kind of achievements. You have to monitor your progress and be happy about the slightest advance in the field. This isn’t a sprint and instant results are not always there. So arm with patience and keep on improving your memory bit by bit. And finish negative self-talk, it is useless. 

30. Chew a gum and eat chocolate

I hope you understand that it is not the main strategy for your memory development, but it is still in my list. If you read on the subject you will see that chewing a gum and eating chocolate is quite good for your brains. It increases your heart rate, which helps more oxygen to get to your brains.  

31. Use acronyms

What is an acronym in the first place? It is a word that we form of the first letters of the words we want to remember. These coined words may have a logical meaning or they may not have one. It depends on your needs. As brain remembers better something that is knows I would advise you to form meaningful acronyms. So ALFA could be an acronym of Adults learning facility abroad. Well, sounds kind of weird, but if it helps to remember, why not? Play around with it and see how it works for you.

32. Use rhythmic sentences

Why are poems much easier remembered than some historical dates or algebra formulas? Because the former rhymes and the latter doesn’t! Of course, this is not the only reason, but one of them. Try to make them funny and brisk. Do not try to be perfect, you are not going to be a poet, it is your memory I am talking about. An example: If you come to me, I will try to see if I am really free to go on a shopping spree”. Now you know what I mean. 

33. Lead a healthy lifestyle 

Smoking, using alcohol and other kinds of substances is a big ‘NO’ if you intend to retain good memory now and in the future. Young people do not care about their health now, but if they are not careful (with the above mentioned things) they might have serious implications both for their physical and mental health. You should be aware of various terminal diseases that you may end up with if you continue using those addictive chemical substances. Furthermore, these have terrible effect on your brains. So be wise and stop before it is too late. 

34. Take up new hobbies and develop more interests 

This is another reason why people memories get worse with age. They have too few interests and hobbies. If you do the same job day after day or read the same kind of materials or watch movies you get from dumb to dumber. Your brain has to expand and you can achieve it by expanding your views. Become wider, read more, go out more, travel more, meet more new people, and take more new courses. That’s what I mean. This will have very good influence on your brains. 

35. Put your life in order

I have already said that our minds hate disorder. They cannot work with it. Therefore, I would encourage you to set your thought life and house in order. It will be much easier to remember things then, because there will be some kind of structure in your life that your brains recognize and use to recall things when you need them most. 

Ok! I suppose I have finished with my memory improvement tips and exercises. I assume these will be enough for you to become a world memory champion. Joking! These will give you a good start on your way to a perfect memory where you will be able to remember whole books, speeches, thousands of items in your lists, hundreds of names and countless telephone numbers. Continue reading other posts on my blog. Hope you will find the material useful.

What is mnemonics

Mnemonics is the science of how to help your memory to remember things in better, easier and more efficient ways. I consider memory to be one of the greatest gifts from God that will help us to achieve great things if we only learn how to use it properly. People aspired to improve their mnemonic power from times immemorial and we have a large heritage left for us by ancient mnemonists. 

They proved that one does not have to be a genius to remember extraordinary amount of information. One simply needs proper devices and techniques as well as a little bit of patience to improve one’s remembering skills ten or even more times. History and human experience shows that it is possible to remember entire books without being a very talented person. Dominic O’Brien became a memory giant and champion, although he wasn’t a talented student at school. Mnemonics opened a new dimension for him to achieve incredible results with his brains. He started playing around with his memory at the age of thirty. We can achieve the same results too. 

One can start doing that by simply reading a few books on the topic. The above mentioned author wrote a number of books and you can read them. I would recommend reading his book:”How to develop a perfect memory” and start practicing the principles that Dominic describes in it at once. 

There are hundreds of techniques as well as strategies to remember things better. A lot of those are built on associations and effective use of your imagination and involvement of your five senses. Other sections of the blog contain descriptions of most popular methods that you can apply any time you want yourself. 

You may find that the old ways you have used at school or university no longer work. Do not be afraid of that. We have to go from progress to progress and leave behind what is not effective. This may mean you will have to quit using repetition technique in your studies as it does not work long term, but is only good in developing short term memory.  

Memory improvement with vitamins, minerals and proteins

Is memory improvement possible? Yes, it is. I know that lots of people forget phone numbers, how to get to this place or another and even forget a name of an old acquaintance of theirs. It is not true that weakening of memory is a trouble of an old age and it is impossible to solve. There are very simple and effective ways to improve your memory. In this article I will try to concentrate on some artificial means to help your memory work better: vitamins, medicine and even folk wisdom. 

Some scientists believe that when people get older their brains and nervous system loses around 30-50 thousand nervous cells (neurons) every day. The number is quite big, but one should not be afraid. It is the same as loses a few hair while washing your head. It is much more important that the remaining neurons were healthy and modern science tells us that it is possible to achieve. 

In most cases memory gets weaker when we get tired, lack sleep and live under stress. If you have been under tension due to intellectual work good amount of sleep should help. It should be around 8 or 10 hours per night. Instead of gazing at a TV screen better have a walk in the fresh air. Memory grows weaker when one watches boring TV programs for a long time. Alcohol and malfunctioning of thyroid also damages our brain ability to form new memories. 

High blood pressure has very negative impact on your memory. Proper feeding for the brains is not less important than for your stomach. Span of intellectual life and memory depends on the quality of your diet. Cells of the brains that are responsible for memory particularly need various substances. 

Unsaturated fatty acids

They comprise thirty percent of our brains. If there is a shortage of them- activity of brain cells declines and can even erase some remembrances. These acids improve blood circulation and due to this more nutrients reach the cells. Providers of ‘good fats” are fish fat and some vegetable oils: sunflower, soy, rapes, olive and likewise nuts, sunflower seeds. Animal meat and margarine give fats that do not improve memory. 


It is a source of glucose, which is a fuel for neurons. Our organism gets a lot of carbohydrates from grits, vegetable (exception – red beats and carrots). This food provides us with a lot of intellectual and physical energy for the whole day. It is much more useful than simple carbohydrates: sugar, sweets and products of white flour that give short term energy. Simple carbohydrates are deceptive, because they consume B group vitamins (that are necessary for brains) for digestion. 


They contain amino acids that are necessary for nerves and brains. It is recommended to eat fish, rice, beans and lentils.


B group vitamins are among leaders as far as brain and nervous system strengthening goes. They play a major role in remembering process and we need them daily. Rough bread, rice, grits is an excellent source of it. E vitamin (olive oil, avocadoes, nuts) is a compulsory nutritional material for brain cells and together with vitamin A (liver, butter, eggs) protects neurons from aging. It is believed that these vitamins slow memory loss when one is ill with Alzheimer disease. 

Various minerals

The most important for memory are: ferrum, magnesium, zinc. Kalium and calcium also improve neurons and nerve impulses. Therefore, for those who have a tendency towards forgetting it is recommended to eat dried apricots, raisins, potatoes and apples stoved in oven, yogurt and other milk products.

Most common memory problems and disorders and their causes

Memory problems and disorders

Real (not seeming) memory problems are symptoms of psychical disorders. If a person is not able to concentrate his attention at all and does not remember most ordinary things it can be a sign of depression or neurosis. Our memory, first and foremost point to our general psychical state. In case of some diseases, memory strengthens in an unhealthy way.  It is called hyper amnesia. In this kind of situation, a person may remember unpleasant things from distant past: all bad things he/she has done, how others wronged him/her and etc. When one is ill with some mental diseases he/she might often have a memory disorder that is called par amnesia. In this case, an individual may not remember some events and he fills in the “gaps” by fictitious ones. If par amnesia gets stronger he is no longer able to comprehend which events were real and which ones are fictitious. 

Memory disorders: amnesia – partial or complete memory loss

Scientists researched people with such kind of problems and they got a lot of information on how human memory works. Anterograde amnesia is when a person does not remember current events. Retrograde amnesia when one does not remember events before damage to the brains had been done. Study of amnesia case confirms existence of previously discovered different memory types. Motory, perceptual and even cognitive skills are (and very quickly restored) and facts are forgotten.

Various memory areas contain both personal and general facts. In this situation a person may remember general facts how many months and seasons a year, or how many days a month has, but he does not remember personal facts (who my family is). There could also be childhood amnesia. Sigmund Freud was the first to coin the term. He first noticed that his patients do not remember what was up to three or even five years. A lot of current research confirms that. Freud explained this kind of amnesia stating that a child pushes out all sexual and aggressive impulses that he felt for his parents. However, this kind of amnesia encompasses all the areas of memory. There has been developed a more acceptable explanation regarding the fact and it was: there is a big qualitative difference between the way children remember (how information is encoded) and how adults do it. Adults do it immediately, attributing it to some categories, schemes and children do it without any associations. It resembles eidetic memory in a way. 

Memory exercises for solving remembering problems and disorders

People who complain about weakening of their memories can definitely improve them. One of the best ways to do that is to try to learn poems by heart and likewise study foreign languages. It is a very effective way, but it requires a lot of patience and time. Therefore, those who are willing to undertake the practice should not do than a few simple exercises a day. This will have tremendous effect on: memory, social life, relationships and many other areas of life.

Memory loss a myth or reality

I hope you have seen a lot of movies that portray a character who has lost memory (The notebook, Unknown, Bourne series, Memento and many more). We do sympathize with such characters, get involved in the movie and wish them well. However, memory loss isn’t some fictional stuff. It happens in real life with real people. In movies directors or script writers intentionally create characters that would later regain their memories in order have a happy end type of movie. In life, things get a bit more complicated. Can a human memory disappear and then come back again? When does that happen? What determines that? Maybe it is a disease?

How our memory works and what it depends on

Scientists that research processes of memory distinguish a few chains of it: memorization of information (encoding), its’ preservation (storage) and ability to recall (retrieval). All of these chains are closely interrelated; complement each other by forming unity. When one of them is disarrayed, the entire memory process can fall into disarray. At the moment, it is still thought that what a human remembered, it is stored for his entire lifetime. The majority of information passes on to a level of ‘undigested’ psychical processes and consciousness retains only those that are relevant at the moment. 

Various scientists notice that daily events are remembered in a different way than those which are very painful and traumatizing. Those scholars claim that events which damage human psyche are stored separately from daily ones. Unlike usual reminiscences of daily events, reminiscences of damaging origin are unalterable, difficult to tell, automatic and not connected with other reminiscences. They often sink into subconscious psyche level and are forgotten. Until these reminiscences not realized they stay in the lists of not remembered and at the same time not forgotten memories.

Dissociative amnesia

Dissociative amnesia is memory  loss when important past events are forgotten and it is not possible to find any other medically tested proved reasons for the loss of memory and its’ scope is too big for commonplace forgetting. Scientists that study memory have noticed that dissociative memory disorders happen more often after an early psyche traumatizing event or a few events in childhood (that are depend on violence: rape, physical abuse, danger of death and etc.). It is noticed that children who had undergone painful experience and grew up in normal conditions after that often experience hyper amnesia, which is unhealthy memory strengthening. They can clearly, exactly and in detail remember violence they had experienced. Prolonged crippling situation or slow long term violence often determines appearance of big memory gaps, primitive psychological defense mechanisms such as self denial, association with the aggressor. Then other dissociative disorders are often formed.

Dissociative disorders used to be described as hysteria or hysteric neurosis. They are expressed in disarray of normal remembering of past memories, integration or personality identity. Unconscious painful memories often erupt by threatening dreams, unexpected visions and similar phenomena. They determine formation of specific behavior and appearance of unusual and hardly explainable appearance of certain body senses.

Mental clinics of Harvard university has done a research regarding physical, sexual and psychological violence experienced in the past and its’ connection to dissociative disorders and amnesia. 148 women (18-60 years old) participated in research. 83 percent of them had experienced physical, 82 percent sexual and 71 percent psychological violence. Despite the form of experienced violence all patients partly or completely had forgotten those painful experiences. It means they showed signs of amnesia. It has also been noticed that the earlier violence was experienced the deeper amnesia had developed. Most of the women that participated in the research remembered painful past experiences when they were alone at home, although at that time psychiatric and psychoterapic aid was provided for them. Some of the patients recalled the traumatic experience during practice of psychotherapy. Most of the patients admitted that they tried to find proofs of evidence regarding the returning memories about violence experienced during childhood. 

The research only confirms sightings of Austrian psychotherapist Z. Freud that we, unconsciously know how to defend against painful and traumatizing past memories by applying various means: by pushing them somewhere to subconscious mind, to negate them, reject and belittle. Or we sometimes try to fully live through our painful experience. And then forget and no longer have those nightmares. Unfortunately, that does not always help. 

Visual memory mechanism and activities

Visual memory operates by acquired and created visual information from reality and that information is images. There are a lot of images of seeing, hearing, smelling in human memory. Images are similar to images of objects that are acquired in the process of perception. They differ from understanding in a sense that they are not so sharp, fragmentary and not stable. Images are divided into sorts according to sensory organs. We can also differentiate between individual and general images. Individual are those that are images of one specific object.

General images locate bigger or smaller general features of object groups. Visual memory can be unconscious. Special feature of unconscious memory is that a person can remember and recall things without trying and sometimes even unwillingly. This is how very clear and important impressions are remembered. Strong emotions such as joy, fear and loathing help unconscious memory. Unconscious remembering and recalling is an early form of memory in personality development. We unconsciously store a lot of life experiences without any troublesome efforts not only in childhood, but also entire adulthood. 

However, conscious memory has a much more important role in human life. It is expressed by human consciously setting a goal to remember and recall something and is making a lot of efforts to achieve the target. One specific feature of conscious memory is participation of certain motives that stimulate remembering and recalling processes.

Visual memory can be both conscious and unconscious and remembering and recalling of motions can be connected to verbal instructions, remembered images of observed motions and etc. 

There are various kinds of impressions: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and sensing. These various impressions are tangled into more or less complex combinations – reflections and images. Some may want to know what impressions we remember better (seeing, hearing or motion) when we want to memorize more complex combinations. 

Visual (optical) is the first type of memory. Visual memories of impressions tend to dominate in reminiscences of this type of memory. It is easier to remember what has been seen. All of us have it to some degree and need to develop. If you have read some book for a few times you can probably remember some passages and can clearly say whether it was in the middle of the book, right or left side of the page, middle or bottom. This is prerogative of visual memory. 

The second type is audio (acoustic). People who have this type of memory best remember hearing impressions. If you have more advanced acoustic type of memory you’d probably remember quite well music melody, lots of sounds  in the nature and to tell the truth you might become quite a good musician.

The third type is motion. People who have this type of memory better remember everything that is connected with motions. The blind usually remember things this way.
The forth type is mixed. In the process of remembering (for this type) all types of impressions arise: seeing, hearing and motions.

Working memory definition, examples and training


The task of the working memory is to keep useful information during all work stages. When it is over, all knowledge slowly disappears. Here I am talking about weak fixing temporary memory that allows doing a few jobs at a time. One of its’ function is to remind of knowledge that had previously been stored in long term memory for the sake of precision in current work task. It also permits us not to pay attention to what we see and hear, if those are only usual daily appearances of life. That’s why we do not remember all the strangers that we meet and all little noises and sounds that we hear throughout the day. Memory is not only mechanical storage of a lot of events in the head. As has already been said, the power of short term memory is very limited. However, we could increase it many times if we worked using all data groups, not just a few separate events or isolated elements. 

One of the qualities of our memory is creation of multiple associations. If we want to improve on it, we have to use this special quality by joining information we want to remember to some specific system. If there is a lot of this type of information we have to group it according to its’ qualities, the process which is often called ‘chunking’.

Memory cannot be separated from organization of some kind of cognizance. The more associations are created the easier new impressions are recorded. This is how our memories grow. We add more and more impressions while more and more objects are recognized by our brains and more familiar things are easier attributed to some known remembering system. Try to notice what happens in your brains when you remember new information. Feel how new separate words arise in your memory.