Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Some worrying signs of your memory

We are humans and we are not perfect in all areas of our lives. The same can be said about our memories. We do forget things on a daily basis. And this mere fact should not worry us too much. However, there are certain signs that our memories might be giving that actually should make us worry. One might have serious signs of dementia or Alzheimer and do nothing about it. Mnemonics does not help here. One should see a doctor and take serious medication for the conditions. 

Again, some things might come with age, although it may not necessarily be so. We can train our memories as long as we are alive. But having an above mentioned disease is different. 

So, when should one get worried about memory problems?

If this starts interfering with you daily job activities: you forget about meetings, tasks and other daily activities that you used to remember very well. The causes for that can be different. It might be due to: being tired over a prolonged period of time, depression, aging, living under constant stress or it might be an early sign of the above mentioned diseases. 

If you start losing orientation in familiar places: not finding exit from the shop, or forgetting how to get home from the store. That’s a pretty serious problem and might show early signs of a much bigger problem than just daily forgetting. 

If you start losing orientation about time of the day or a season or even year, it is no longer some minor thing. And it does not sound like you are being tired or slightly depressed. These signs might be a good reason for you to visit your doctor. 

If these memory losses are followed by unexplainable feeling of being tired, angry (or other negative emotions), loss of joy of life you should not wait any longer, but go to see your doctor as fast as it is possible. Why wait for the snowball to become gigantic!

Some people are scared of doctors as they are afraid to face ‘possible truth’. However, it might be good to find what your problem is in its’ initial stages (when you can stop its progress or even solve it) rather than wait till it becomes too big to handle. 

On the other hand, your problem might not be as serious as you suspect. Going to the doctor for help will not do you any harm in that case too. 

Good luck in solving all your memory problems!

See also: