Monday, April 18, 2011

Memory tip for 18th of April 2011

Yesterday I started giving you tips on how to remember names better. Today I will continue doing that. I will again give you a few tips and the first tip is: repeat the name for a couple of times. Even though, visual images are usually much better remembered than audio, we should not devalue the importance of audio sounds for our memory training. So, vocal repetition of a name is pretty powerful. When you do it a few times it should go down to your short term memory pretty fast. 

You might also want to change your intonation while saying the name. Try to use some emotion while doing that. You might try to tell your family about the people whom you met and what their names are. This will tremendously strengthen the process of remembering. If you can go further with this you might even create a short song with a specific melody and a rhythm to remember a number of names. A melody of a well known song can be used for creation of the song. In fact you can simply change the words of it, by putting names in the lines of the song. It will also be fun doing that. When you get advanced in these techniques all of the above mentioned processes will take you very short time to implement.

My second tip today for remembering names is: try to visualize the names you are learning. When I was teaching English in big groups (I wrote about it yesterday) I would try to see in my mind the person holding a piece of paper with his/her name written on it. Or I would try to see the name on his/her forehead or simply the name written on his/her jacket, t-shirt, blouse and etc. I would make the letters of the name as big as possible and as colorful as possible. This helped me to remember names of my students. This will help you too. Tomorrow I will write the third part for remembering names. 

Read my previous post:

How to remember names part 1