Sunday, May 8, 2011

Memory tip for 8th of May 2011

Today I just wanted to give you a few thoughts on why we forget the information we really want to remember. I have mentioned a few days ago, that we often forget the biggest part of information we learned within the first hour after learning and we tend to forget less and less as the time passes by. This could be the first reason of forgetting. 

The second reason could be that you did not pay enough attention for remembering the stuff you tried to learn. Attention is number one thing that you need for training your memory. 

It is also possible that you did not ‘push’ the information to your long term memory and it merely stayed in your short term memory for some time and later was deleted by your brains as unnecessary. 

Most probably you did not rehearse the information you learned. It is also a fact that we forget information which we do not revise and rehearse from time to time. You don’t have to do it very often, but a revision of anything you learn is always necessary. 

And it is also possible that information was very difficult and you failed to use association, imagination and your sensors for learning it effectively. 

Read my previous post:

Continual studies are very important for developing your memory