Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Memory tip for 6th of April 2011

Yesterday I discussed importance of structuring and organizing information in order to remember better. Today I want to stress how important rehearsing of information is. In order to store and keep information in your long term memory you need to rehearse information (from time to time) that you have learnt by heart. If you use some mnemonic technique you will learn any information pretty fast, however, it does not mean that the information you learnt using this or that mnemonic technique will immediately go to your long term memory

You have to rehearse the information you have read at least a few times more to be sure it is stored into your long term memory. It does not mean you need to cram the material. As I said yesterday, you start revising from key concepts and terms, then go to less important details and end up with the least important ones. So, you spend most of the time revising the most important ideas and brushing up the least important ones. After a few revisions the material sinks into your long term memory and next time you decide to revise it, you will spend much less time doing that. 

Read my previous posts:

Importance of healthy diet for your memory