Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Memory tip for 22nd of March 2011

Today I want to give you my first tip on how to improve your memory. I want to tell you that I do not have a clearly cut structure how I am going to present the knowledge that I have on the topic in my blog. At some point I will discuss types of memory, then some techniques of mnemonics and of course, I will give you a lot of practical tips. Here is my first tip!

In order to remember things easier you have to take interest in the thing

Interest is the key if you want to remember anything short or long term. Our brains are constructed in such a way that they delete any information we are not interested in. That easily explains the fact why boys that are pretty bad at remembering historical data or anything connected with school subjects can easily remember sports results. They are very good at that. In some cases they would be better than people with good memories. Why is that? Because they are interested in the thing and their brains easily absorb all the information connected with sports. If only they were able to arouse interest towards any subject at school, they would definitely have the same results at any school subject as they have in the matter of sports. 

So, if you want to remember something, start taking interest in that. Your brains will open up for that information to enter it into ‘the hard disk of your mind’. I know that trying to see something interesting in the thing that has always been boring for you is pretty difficult, but if you make some effort you are definitely going to learn how to do it. This tells us that developing your memory will take some efforts on your behalf, but I think it is worth it, because you will later be able to use what you gain to achieve tremendous results in any sphere of life. 

So, this is the first tip for you! Take interest in the thing you want to remember. 

My previous post:


Photographic and eidetic memory 

Memory quotes