Monday, May 2, 2011

Memory tip for 2nd of May 2011

Today my tip for improving memory is: involve humor in all of your mnemonic techniques. Our brains automatically try to reject any image, thought, word or anything that may cause stress for our nerves and bodies. So, when you use some method for remembering try to avoid scary, negative, unpleasant and the like associations, symbols and patterns. Use those kind of visualizations that would arose positive emotions in you. Your memory will be very susceptible to those and you will remember what you want to remember much easier and for a longer period of time. 

As you may understand you can combine humor with exaggerations. This will improve your chances of remembering for a longer period of time. I have already mentioned that our memories tend to remember something unusual. Exaggerations always help to make images, words, sentences, stories unusual. Of course, those exaggerations have to be positive. So, involve humor, exaggerate and have fun doing your memorizing exercises. And of course, enjoy your progress in going after a perfect memory. 

Read my previous post:

Attach importance to anything you want to remember