Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Memory tip for 3rd of May 2011

Today I wanted to give you a few thoughts on importance of revision of material in order to store it on your long term memory. There is one thing which you have to have in mind in terms of speed of remembering and that is: we tend to forget most information during the first hour after we have finished studying than after the first day. This is a fact that the more time passes the less we forget of the stuff we have tried to memorize. What does it tell us?

It tells us that we need to revise information right after we have learned for some time. It is important to introduce breaks into your studies and at the end of each period of learning you have to do a short revision of what you have been studying. When you come back after a break of five or ten minutes, do the revision again. This method will help you to push the information into long term memory very fast. Revision loses effect if you do it after a longer period of time. So, try to do revisions when your ‘learning processes are still hot’. 

Read my previous post:

Involve humor in all of your mnemonic techniques