Thursday, March 31, 2011

Memory tip for 31st of March 2011

In my previous post I gave you a tip how to remember things when you forgot them. Today I want to mention one basic thing that will help you to retain a good memory. That piece of advice is: get enough sleep. May sound funny, but it is not. And I believe you can testify to the fact. You can remember days or times when you did not get enough sleep and you would be absent minded, do things in a disorderly way, make a lot of mistakes and also forget things. 

Sleep is very important for your brains and memory. Research shows that when you are sleeping there is some consolidation process taking place in your brains and information that you have collected throughout the day is being sorted out and some of the information which brains regards as unnecessary is deleted. You have probably noticed that it is much better to remember and learn by heart in the evening than at other part of the day. When you fall asleep that information is processed and it is still kept in your short term memory when you wake up. So, you just have to brush it up and you will remember it very well. 

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Expand your imagination

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Memory tip for 30th of March 2011

Yesterday my tip for improving your memory was to think in images and to develop your imagination. Today I wanted to give you a tip on what to do when you forget something. How do you remember a thing that you have forgotten? I do not want to say that I am going to present you some magic formula for remembering things, but it is quite useful tip for awakening your powers to remember things, which you might think are impossible to remember. 

So, if you have forgotten something try to remember where you were at the time when you could remember. Try to find little details that would lead you to remember a thing, an event, a name, an important meeting, who said what and etc. Thinking about details surrounding the thing make your memory work harder without causing stress. On the contrary, it eliminates the block that is usually placed on your memory when you try to remember something. Do not try to remember the thing exactly, but only details around it. This will help you to avoid the stress and the block. I hope you remember times when you forget something and the harder you try, the more difficult it is to remember what you need to remember. Don’t do that. Think about details surrounding the thing. And you will succeed. This information is in your mind, it simply has to come up. Just help your brain to retrieve it. Good luck. 

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Try to remember what you did today

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Memory tip for 29th of March 2011

Yesterday I gave you a tip on how to improve your memory and it was to remember everything that you did that day. Today my tip for your memory improvement would be: expand your imagination. We are used to thinking in words and not so much in images. So, when we try to remember something, we usually try to remember words and that is very difficult to do. What we should do is: we have to start thinking in images as remembering an image is much easier than remembering a word. 

Napoleon once said that imagination rules the world. I could not agree more. If you use imagination in anything you do you will see a very great increase in your productivity as imagination unleashes your creative powers. Your memory needs those creative powers and imagination can easily supply your memory with them. You simply have to start thinking in images. So, instead of learning word, you should try to remember images of those words. In this way you can learn a foreign language much faster than you would do that the ordinary way by cramming one word after the other. Give freedom for your imagination in the sphere of learning and remembering and you will not have to spend a lot of time to learn even the most difficult thing. 

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Boost your memory through physical exercises

Monday, March 28, 2011

Memory tip for 28th of March 2011

Yesterday I tried to stress importance of physical exercises to improve your brain and memory functioning. Today I wanted to give you a small tip that will help you in your attempts to develop a super memory. The tip is very simple: in the evening try to remember everything you did that day. It may even sound too simple and insignificant, but just try doing that and you will get a tremendous boost for your memory. The best part about it is that you won’t spend more than five minutes for that.

You can do the exercise in your bed and you go through the events (in your mind) that happened or the things that you did today. It will help you to organize your ideas and see things in a sequence. This is very important for your memory. You have to know which thing happened first and which followed it. Later this kind of practice will help you to connect and remember 50 or even more things that may not be connected naturally (let us say lists of things you want to buy in a shop). So, before going to bed tonight, remember what you have done or what happened in your life throughout the day. 

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Mental exercises help to keep your memory in shape

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Memory tip for 27th of March 2011

Yesterday I gave you a tip on how to keep your brain and memory in good shape. It is done by means of mental exercises. In today’s post I just wanted to give you another tip that will help you to keep not only your brain but also your body fit. You have to do physical exercises as well if you want your memory keep running and working well. Our bodies are very much connected with our brains. If one feels bad, it has effect on the other and vice versa. 

You cannot expect to have a good memory if you are always tired, sleepy or stressed due to amount of mental work that you have to do. You need to make breaks throughout your day to do some small physical exercises. If you do not exercise enough your brains get little oxygen, because exercising makes your heart beat faster, this causes more oxygen to reach your brains. So, if you exercise enough your brains gets a good portion of oxygen for your memory to function really well. So, take time each day to exercise and do some mental aerobics as well. Have a nice week!

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Journey technique